
跨文化移情 Chinese Business Ettiquette / 中国个性定制企业培训
中国商务礼仪          跨文化移情                                                                                                          NewSkilz Training Course in Shanghai China


Relationship building skills are at the heart of Chinese business culture. This workshop provides expatriate westerners with an intimate knowledge of the necessary Chinese business etiquette needed to be successful in China. This cross-cultural training will prepare you to better get along with Chinese in social environments and make you more effective in business situations such as meetings, negotiations and presentations. Empathy is a soft skill that will you succeed in China! It is crucial for international business people to adapt and become more flexible when doing business in China. THIS TRAINING COURSE IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN CHINESE! PLEASE CONTACT US FOR DETAILS.


Chinese Business Etiquette and an understanding of the business culture here is a necessary training for any expatriate staff working in China. Regardless of wherther they are senior managers or technical staff. The workshop can be taiolored to the particpants and focus on the areas of most value to them. For example, mangers that negotiate a lot might be more interested in the meeting etiquette skills. While new technical workers might be more keen on understanding relationship building skills for making new friends here.


- Chinese Business Etiquette
- Relationship-building skills
- Understanding Guanxi
- China business culture and ethics
- Chinese corporate hierarchy
- Approach to business communication
- Negotiation strategies and tactics
- Restaurant etiquette and manners
- Chinese cultural issues
- Empathy skills


- The Art of Guanxi
- Business introductions
- Face giving / saving issues
- Gift giving customs
- Dining etiquette and small talk topics
- Business meeting etiquette
- Appropriate negotiation tactics
- Partnerhsip due diligence issues
- Communication styles
- Chinese soft skills


Chinese Business Etiquette Relationship-building skills The Art of Guanxi Chinese Culture
Chinese Business Ethics Face Saving Gift Giving Dining Etiquette
China Sales Skills China Etiquette Chinese cultural orientation China empathy
Cross-cultural communication China communication skills Chinese manners China culture

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