China | Multi-City Management Skills  China | Multi-City Management Skills China | Multi-City Management Skills

We delivered a tailored Management Develpment Program for 4 cities in China.

Workshop Facilitator Trainer Paul

China | Multi-City Management Skills

Business Challenge

Develop people management / leadership soft skills for country-wide Chinese Managers in 4 cities. The client had been experiencing business growth and wanted to offer a Management Development Program as support. NewSkilz was asked to design and deliver a customised Management Skills program for managers in each region.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

We worked closely with the client Leadership who were the project sponsor. The Managing Directors of the various regions helped a lot by making themselves available to explain the corporate culture in their region and the people management challenges specific to the auditing industry and their organization. Next, we conducted face to face interviews with the Beijing and Shanghai management teams to gain more insight into setting relevant learning outcomes. Following that, we held teleconference calls with the management team in Guangzhou and collected email samples from the mangers in all regions to help understand their communication skills and see examples of how they discuss business issues.

Training Solution

We delivered 12 days management skills training to 3 cities over 6 months. Each city received a 4 day program which was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 involved an intensive two day workshop on Selling and Presenting your ideas and Meeting Facilitation Skills. Phase 2 looked at developing Leadership Soft Skills and Communicating with your Team. Scheduling the training in the 3 cities was not easy since the Auditors have a very demanding schedule for client projects. The client appreciated our flexible scheduling approach to the series of workshops rolled out across China. Besides delivering the training, we shared valuable insight with the client on the future development needs of the managers across the three cities.

China | Multi-City Management Skills

Industry Financial Auditing

Client Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk

A recognized leader in providing Accounting / Advisory Services to Asian companies. As a leading public audit firm with 22 offices across the USA and China, MarcumBP offers a full range of audit and assurance, tax and transaction advisory services for clients in a variety of industries throughout the world.

Delivery Location China

Beijing | Guangzhou | Shanghai

Delivery Language English

Delivery Schedule 4 days per city. 12 days total.

Training Participants 30 Managers

Nationality: Chinese

Regional Directors | Senior Managers | Managers

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